Exhibition “A Bibliotheca iluminada – Produção e circulação da Bíblia em Portugal. Itinerários dos manuscritos iluminados românicos”
28.10.2021 - 22.01.2022
National Library of Portugal, Lisbon
Free entrace
This exhibition is part of the “Produção e circulação da Bíblia em Portugal. Itinerários dos manuscritos iluminados românicos” project (Production and Circulation of the Bible in Portugal. Itineraries of illuminated Romanesque manuscripts).
The illuminated Romanesque Bibles preserved in Portuguese institutions, which form the core of this exhibition, remain today as in the Middle Ages manuscripts of the greatest importance, with some veritable artistic treasures in terms of the art of illumination. In addition to their religious dimension, these works are of unquestionable cultural and artistic interest and undoubtedly constitute cultural heritage of particular significance, which explains their study over time. Together with other examples of the Sacra Pagina that have marked later eras, this exhibition aims to bring to the public works that continue to question and enrich us in different ways. The opportunity to view them provides the occasion to renew our gaze on this heritage and reflect on our own culture.
Date: 28 October 2021 to 22 January 2022
Venue: Lisbon, National Library of Portugal – Exhibition Hall – Floor 3 | Free entry
Organisation: IEM-FCSH/NOVA, National Library of Portugal
Scientific delegation: Maria Adelaide Miranda and Luís Correia de Sousa with the collaboration of Xavier van Binnebeke