The activity “MedCrafts – Os mesteres na cidade medieval portuguesa” (MedCrafts – Craftsmanship in Portuguese medieval cities) is jointly organised by the Centre for the History of Society and Culture, of the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts, the University of Coimbra and the research project MEDCRAFTS – The regulation of craftsmanship in Portugal in the Lower Middle Ages (14th and 15th centuries) [PTDC/HAR-HIS/031427/2017], and will take place within the framework of the History Degree Seminar at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra, lectured by Maria Amélia Campos and João Gouveia Monteiro.
Due to the current constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop will be held via Colibri-Zoom videoconference, with a limited number of participants, and also broadcast live on YouTube, from 9.30am.