Webinar “From choosing the database to the strategy for digital preservation”
17.01.2024 | 9:30 - 12:30
Online modality
Organized by IEM, the Webinar “Da escolha da base de dados à estratégia para preservação digital” (“From choosing the database to the strategy for digital preservation”), will take place on January 17th, between 9:30 am and 12:30 pm, online.
The main objective of the webinar is to share practices and solutions based on Free and Open Software that allow implementing strategies that respect the principles of Open Science, with a special focus on Open Access and Open Data.
In addition to an initial framework, including national and European policies and initiatives related to Open Science, some recommendations and suggestions for standards, formats, software, and licenses will also be presented to allow data from research projects to be easily findable, accessible, and interoperable. and reusable.
The webinar is open to the entire community, but subject to registration, which must be done by January 12th, via email at iemc@fcsh.unl.pt.
Zoom Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/99585109218?pwd=RUdSaGFhaXNHckMyWWhoUWMxYzVBUT09
Meeting ID: 995 8510 9218
Password: 267575