The Institute for Medieval Studies has as one of its main goals that of internationalization, increasing scientific and academic exchange and networking with national and international research centers of scientific excellence that share similar goals as IEM in the field of Medieval Studies. In fulfilling this mission, the Institute annually welcomes several foreign researchers who intend to carry out research stays and become visiting researchers for more or less extended periods. Some of the foreign researchers visiting the IEM during the first semester of the academic year 2017/2018 will present their main lines of research and ongoing projects on November 20. Come and meet them!
Researchers and their presentations:
Mário Jorge da Motta Bastos (UFF – CNPq, Brasil)
Title: “Perspectivas para uma História do Campesinato no Medievo Português”.
Gonzalo J. Escudero Manzano (UCM-Madrid, Espanha)
Title: “Entre a Tardoantiguidade e a Idade Média; entre a História e a Arqueologia. Desafios na investigação do noroeste peninsular altomedieval”.
Gustavo Riva (CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Title:”Sobre la edición digital de relatos cortos medievales: el caso de Konrad von Würzburg”.
Carlos Lixó (Univ. Santiago de Compostela, Espanha)
Title: “Paisagem e documentação: uma leitura histórica das fortificações alto-medievais na Galiza”.
Angel Fuentes (UCM-Madrid, Espanha)
Tile: “El monasterio de los Jerónimos de Santa María de Belem en contexto. Propaganda, escenografía y legitimación dinástica en tiempos del Rey Don Manuel”.