Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Os Sufis no Garb al-Andalus. Vivências e convivências, entre os séculos X e XIII” – António Rei (IEM – NOVA FCSH)
04.03.2020 | 16:00
Zoom session

The aim of this conference is to identify and list the Muslim mystics (Sufis) known to be present in Ġarb al-Andalus between the tenth and thirteenth centuries, detailing their social and cultural origins, their journeys, experiences and relationships with the different political, military and legal powers in al-Andalus over these centuries. The time period under analysis ranges from the Caliphate (10th-12th centuries), the Taifas (11th century), the Almoravid period (11th-12th centuries), and finally through the Almohad period (12th-13th centuries).
In this context, the mystics and the different powers developed various social relationships and interactions, depending on the specific facets and characteristics of those powers, on the one hand, and the mystical experiences of the different individuals, on the other hand.
About the author
António Rei – An IEM / NOVA FCSH contracted Integrated Researcher, since 1/2/2019. PhD in Cultural History and Medieval Mentalities (NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, 2007) (supervisors: Luís Krus / Bernardo Vasconcelos and Sousa [NOVA FCSH], and Maria Jesús Viguera Molins [UCM]). JNICT / FCT Grant Holder: BIC (1996-2000), BM (2002), BD (2003-2006), BPD 1 (2008-2013), BPD 2 (2014-2019); Trainer, accredited by CCPFC: (CCPFC / RFO – 22092 / 07). Diploma in Arabic Language (Univ. Tunis I – Tunisia, 2000)
Researcher at IEM / NOVA FCSH, since 2002. Researcher at the Escuela de Estudios Árabes (EEA – CSIC), Granada (2015-2017), with Expiración Garcia Sánchez, on the CECH / DIAITA Project (FL – Coimbra Univ.) (2015-2019), with Carmen Soares, on DEAI at the Fac. Philology (Univ. Complutense of Madrid) (2008-2010), with Maria Jesús Viguera Molins, at the Archaeological Site of Mértola (2011-2013), and with Cláudio Towers.
Lecturer: Master in “Islamic Portugal and the Mediterranean”, CAM / UALG (2008-2009), History of al-Andalus, at NOVA FCSH (2011-2012), History of Medieval Culture, at FCHS – UALG (2002-05). Arabic Language: UEVORA / Fundação Luís de Molina (2000-07); Silves Centre of Luso-Arab Studies (CELAS), (2001-04); MA in “Arab and Islamic Cultures and the Mediterranean”, UALG (2003-04).
Teaching on several Open-access Programs, Summer School, and New Year Courses at UALG, and at NOVA FCSH, from 2003 to the present.
Publications: About a hundred titles, including books and articles in international and national scientific publications; three dozen papers given to national and international Conferences and Congresses; and more than two dozen speeches, in Portugal and abroad.