Seminar in Medieval Studies: Mercados, mercadores e mercadorias. O comércio entre Portugal e a Europa Central nos finais do século XV e inícios do século XVI – Doutor Torsten dos Santos Arnold
29.05.2023 | 16:00
Zoom session

Taking place on May 29, at 4 pm, via Zoom, the conference addresses issues related to the European economic history of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The focus is on the economic ties resulting from the long tradition and consequent continuity of buying and selling “national” products with a view to the trade and business of overseas goods, such as spices and sugar. The communication analyzes the commercial and business mechanisms, as well as the main agents and goods, in an era characterized by profound changes.
About the speaker:
Torsten dos Santos Arnold graduated in History from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, in 2012, and obtained a Post-Graduation in History – History of Discoveries and Expansion in 2013 from the same institution. His research on the history of the copper trade was awarded by APHES (Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History) in 2013 with the Douro-Azul prize. In 2014, he obtained a Master’s degree in Maritime History from FLUL and the Naval School with a dissertation on shipwrecks in the Carreira da Índia at the turn of the 16th to the 17th century. He returned to Germany to carry out a PhD in European Economic History with an investigation subordinated to the study of Franco-German and Luso-German trade in the long 18th century. Since 2019, he has been part of the team of researchers and professors at the Institute of History – Época Moderna at Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany).
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 925 8066 9916
Senha de acesso: 029487