Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La construcción de las “Ruinas de Emérita” en época medieval (s.V-XV)” – Carlos Moran (CSIC)
19.10.2022 | 16:00
Zoom session
Carlos Jesús Morán Sánchez gained his doctoral degree in Archaeology from the University of Extremadura. He works as a Technical Expert for the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas at the Mérida Archaeology Institute. His research career has focused on the study of precedents, the beginnings and consolidation of archaeology as a scientific field, especially in Extremadura. He has published various articles and three monographs on this subject: Piedras, ruinas, antiguallas. Visiones de los restos arqueológicos de Mérida (s. XVI a XIX) (2009), Memoria arqueológica y social de dos escenarios romanos. El teatro y el amfiteatro de Mérida (1910-1936) (2018) and, together with Antonio Pizzo, Fernando Rodríguez: Dibujos de arquitectura y antigüedades romanas (2015).
His doctoral thesis focuses on the archaeological project carried out in Mérida between 1910 and 1936 by José Ramón Mélida and Maximiliano Macías, with particular attention to the theatre and amphitheatre of Mérida (Spain) and the repercussions these actions held for society of that time and the future of the site across every facet. For his thesis, he was awarded the Extraordinary Doctoral Prize of the Universidad de Extremadura, which distinguishes doctoral theses that stand out for the relevant merits of their doctoral degree studies. He has since been invited to give various speeches on the Historiography of Archaeology in different institutions, such as the Archaeological Museum of Badajoz, the Consortium of the Monumental City of Mérida, UNED and the National Museum of Archaeology.