Seminar in Medieval Studies: “El sufismo en la península ibérica. Al-Šuštari (610/1212-668/1269) piedra angular en la historia del sufismo” – Abdelkrim Ben-Nas Derrij
22.02.2023 | 16:00
Room 315, Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon
Zoom session

For the February Seminar in Medieval Studies, the IEM presents the conference “El sufismo en la península ibérica. Al-Šuštarī (610/1212-668/1269) piedra angular en la historia del sufismo”, by Dr. Abdelkrim Ben-Nas Derrij .
Abū l-Ḥasan al-Šuštarī (610/1212–668/1269) was a celebrated Sufi poet from Granada. His poetry has been subject to widespread study even while his prose works have gone broadly unattended.
Taking place on 22 February 2023, at 4pm, those interested may participate online, via Zoom, or in person at the Almada Negreiros College, Room 315, 3rd Floor.
Outline of the research project:
To further study the prose works of al-Šuštarī; to unveil some of the Portuguese Sufi characters (from Garb al-Andalus), especially in the work Jal‛ al-na‛layn, by Ibn Qasi and its commentary by Ibn ‛Arabī; Visit and interview with the ṭarīqas (brotherhoods) of Sufis in Morocco and Egypt to ascertain how the céjeles and poems of al-Šuštarī continue to be sung at spiritual dance sessions.
Biographical note:
International Honours Doctorate (Cum Laude) in Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Alicante, 2020; Master’s Degree in Teaching Spanish in Multilingual and International Contexts (MULTIELE). (Erasmus Mundus Scholarship), University of Deusto, Bilbao, 2015; Specialist Course in Arabic-Spanish Translation, Toledo Translators School, 2013; Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA), Arabic and Islamic Studies, University of Alicante, 2012; Bachelor of Science in Islam (Uṣūl al-Dīn), University of Al-Qarawiyyīn, Tetouan/Morocco, 1995.