Seminar in Medieval Studies: “A Oficina de investigação IUS ILLUMINATUM e o estudo em rede dos manuscritos jurídicos iluminados em Portugal e na Europa: apresentação de um projeto em curso”, by Maria Alessandra Bilotta
18.12.2020 | 16:00 - 17:00
Zoom session

The aim of the seminar is to present the work of the researchers who are members of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research workshop (, characterized by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the study of illuminated legal manuscripts and their circulation in medieval Europe; a study that has developed and enriched considerably in Portugal over the last ten years. Some of the most recent results of this research will also be presented in this context. Emphasis will also be placed on the possibilities offered by the use in research of digital humanities, in particular databases, which are profoundly transforming research practices on medieval illuminated legal manuscripts.
About the speaker: Maria Alessandra Billota (IEM NOVA FCSH)