Seminar in Medieval Studies – “A mesa medieval da gente comum: as alfaias e os comportamentos ” – Iria Gonçalves
5th Session
27.04.2018 | 17:00
Building ID, Multipurpose Room 3, NOVA FCSH, Lisboa

On 27 April, in the continuation of the first session of the Seminar in Medieval Studies (SEM), on medieval food and cooking, Iria Gonçalves sets out to explore the questions around medieval food. In this SEM session, among other aspects, she will highlight the centrality of bread and wine, the importance of meat and fish, and the seasonings and sauces used to spice up food. These foods, consumed according to the social and economic conditions prevailing, turn medieval food into both a cultural act and the satisfaction of a basic need.
Biographical note
With a degree in Historical-Philosophical Sciences from the University of Lisbon, Iria Gonçalves received her PhD in Medieval History from the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, where she taught until her retirement in 2003. She specialises in themes related to the organisation of space, food, anthroponymy and taxation. Among her most significant publications are: As finanças Municipais no Porto na segunda metade do século XV, Oporto, 1987; Imagens do mundo medieval, Lisbon, 1993; O Património do mosteiro de Alcobaça nos séculos XIV e XV, Lisbon, 1989; Um olhar sobre a cidade medieval, Cascais, 1996; and the most recent, À mesa nas terras de Alcobaça em finais da Idade Média, Lisbon-Alcobaça, 2017.