Seminar Cycle «Tesouros em pergaminho»: Apresentação geral da Coleção
18.01.2018 | 17:00
Founder’s Collection – Educational Sector Room
Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Lisbon

Speaker: João Carvalho Dias
The collection of European illuminated books assembled by Calouste S. Gulbenkian consists of twenty-four manuscript books, one incunabulum, and eleven loose folios, produced between the twelfth and sixteenth centuries in the main European centers, in particular France. It is a diversified set that includes biblical, liturgical, and devotional texts, in which the books of hours stand out, but also literary and legal books from large collections, acquired between 1919 and 1937, mainly in London and Paris, confirming the collector’s taste for “manuscripts of the greatest artistic value.
This session takes place as part of the cycle of seminars «Tesouros em Pergaminho – A coleção de manuscritos iluminados ocidentais de Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian» (Treasures in Parchment – The Western Illuminated Manuscript Collection of Calouste Sarkis Gulbenkian), the result of a partnership between Calouste Gulbenkian Museum and the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH).
Free entry upon ticket pick-up