Royal Falconry Seminar: Falconry. Knowledge and practices in the landscape and heritage of Salvaterra de Magos
20.05.2023 - 21.05.2023
Salvaterra de Magos

Between May 20th and 21st, Salvaterra de Magos will host the “Royal Falconry Seminar: Falconry. Knowledge and practices in the landscape and heritage of Salvaterra de Magos” (Seminário na Falcoaria Real: Falcoaria. Saberes e práticas no quadro paisagístico e patrimonial de Salvaterra de Magos).
The charter of Salvaterra de Magos dates from 1295 and the existence of a royal palace in the village has been attested since at least, the year 1383. Over the following centuries, the palace and town would assert themselves as places of choice for the stay of the court – royal and princely. In this context, the experience of these places has always been defined by the seasonal practice of hunting and riding. Combining theoretical and practical components, the program proposed here intends to question the natural characteristics of the Salvaterra region in terms of its historical relationship with falconry and the infrastructure essential to its practice.
The activity is free and limited to existing vacancies, requiring only prior registration, by May 18, to the address