Project meeting / Kick-off meeting of the project Cistercian Horizons
Mosteiro de Alcobaça (Sala das Conclusões)

On Friday 4th January, the first meeting of the CISTERHOR – Horizontes Cistercienses. Estudar e caracterizar um scriptorium medieval e a sua produção. Alcobaça. Identidades locais e uniformidade litúrgica em diálogo / CISTERHOR – Cistercian Horizons. To study and characterize a medieval scriptorium and its production. Alcobaça. Local identities and liturgical uniformity in dialogue (Ref. PTDC/ART-HIS/29522/2017) project will take place at the Monastery of Alcobaça (Conclusions Room). This kick-off meeting brings together most of the project’s research team in conjunction with the consultants and official representatives of the participant institutions.
Funded by national grants from the Foundation for Science and Technology, this project aims to study and date illuminated liturgical manuscripts produced in the scriptorium of Alcobaça, in a corpus consisting of about fifty codices. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the project shall study, on the one hand, the materiality of the manuscripts (illuminated decorative characteristics, their pigments and binding structures) and, on the other hand, their liturgical content (in articulation with the Cistercian guidelines and the influence of the local context) between the late 12th century and early 16th century.
Based at the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, the project CISTERHOR counts on the participation of REQUIMTE, the Faculty of Science and Technology research centre at NOVA University, and the HERCULES Laboratory of the University of Évora, and with the Centre for Religious History Studies of the Catholic University of Portugal, the National Library of Portugal and the Monastery of Alcobaça participating as partners.
For further information, please visit the website.