“Medieval Studies Doctoral Students Conference”
08.01.2018 - 11.01.2018
Tower B, Auditorium 2, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon

Integrated into the intensive week of the first edition of the PhD in Medieval Studies in an e-learning regime (Doctoral Retreat), offered jointly by NOVA FCSH and Universidade Aberta, there are two free entrance initiatives open to the general public taking place between 8th and 12th January: The Medieval Studies Doctoral Degree Cycle of Conferences (8th, 10th and 11th January 2018) and the Doctoral Students Conference (9 January 2018).
The sessions foreseen in the Medieval Studies Doctoral Degree Cycle of Conferences are the following:
8 January
Ivo Castro (FL-UL and CLUL) > “Território e paisagem no Ocidente peninsular” (Territory and Landscape in the Peninsular West)
10 January
Manuel Pedro Ferreira (CESEM-NOVA FCSH) > “Martin Codax: a história que a música conta” (Martin Codax: the history that music tells)
11 January
Adelaide Miranda (IEM NOVA FCSH) > “Iluminura monástica medieval. Imagens e ornamentos do românico português” (Medieval monastic illumination. Images and ornamentation of the Portuguese Romanesque)
Organisation: PhD in Medieval Studiescoordination team