International Webinar “Heráldica em Manuscritos Jurídicos Europeus Itinerantes”
16.05.2020 - 20.05.2020
Zoom sessions

The webinar “Heraldry in Traveling European Legal Manuscripts” is part of the research project “ManJusEurIt – European Traveling Legal Manuscripts” conducted by Maria Alessandra Bilotta, also linked to activities of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team scientifically coordinated by the same researcher.
The webinar is organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM-FCSH/NOVA), together with the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team and in partnership with the Portuguese Heraldry Institute (IPH). This initiative, coordinated by researchers Maria Alessandra Bilotta and Miguel Metelo de Seixas, aims to show the usefulness of the scientific analysis of the presence of heraldic emblems in illuminated manuscripts and legal documents, focusing on those manuscripts and documents that circulated in Europe during the Middle Ages (13th-16th centuries). This initiative also aims to facilitate synergies between different areas of knowledge and to disseminate the results of research to a wider audience, always maintaining scientific rigor, in order to promote the awareness of the heraldic heritage in manuscripts and in medieval legal documents, drawing attention to the importance of conserving that heritage.
1 st session – Entre la norma y la reputación. Los Reyes de armas y sus documentos heráldicos – José Antonio Berrendero (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid)
2 nd session – «Estas que lhe dou divisadas e iluminadas»: heráldica em documentos jurídicos – João Portugal (Instituto Português de Heráldica)
3 rd session – Práticas jurídicas e escudos de armas: os selos que validam os documentos como fonte da heráldica medieval – Maria do Rosário Morujão (Universidade de Coimbra)
The webinar was transmitted at the Youtube, and the sessions are available here.