International Seminar on Medieval Religious History: “Res sacrae. Objets de la devotion dans les sociétés chrétiennes d’Occident de l’Antiquité tardive aux débuts de l’Age modern” – Sofia Boesch Gajano (Centro Europeo di Studi Agiografici)
28.04.2022 | 18:00
Zoom session

The Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM-NOVA FCSH), in partnership with the Centre of Religious History Studies (UCP-CEHR), hosts the International Seminar on Medieval Religious History that thus resumes, with a new format and scope, the tradition of the previous cycles of the Medieval Religious History Seminar, interrupted in 2013.
In the year 2021/2022, and in coordination with the PEREGRINATIO Research Network for the Study of Pilgrimage in the Middle Ages in Portugal, the Seminar will adopt “Shrines, Relics and Pilgrimages” as its general theme. The sessions take place by Zoom and are open to all interested parties.
Prof. Sofia Boesch Gajano (Centro Europeo di Studi Agiografici) is giving the next conference on 28 April, entitled Res sacrae. Objets de la devotion dans les sociétés chrétiennes d’Occident de l’Antiquité tardive aux débuts de l’Age modern.
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