International Conference “Património cultural e arquivos de família nos arquipélagos da Macaronésia”
16.05.2018 - 19.05.2018
Archivo Histórico Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife

In the last decade several lines of research in history and archives have promoted new perspectives on the construction of archives and historical sources.
These new currents, in the field of historical archivistics and the epistemology of history, raise the question of the revaluation of family archives, not only as repositories of alternative documentary sources to the institutional archives of the Church and the State, but also as objects of study in themselves, due to the specific context of creation and transmission of the family archive built at the margin of the official spaces of the coeval political-institutional power. This makes family archives a common heritage whose value transcends its historical dimension involving the whole society, since they result especially interesting as an expression of plural historical identities, memories and discourses.
Precisely because they integrate a common cultural heritage, the proposal we make is to deepen the knowledge of the family archives of the Macaronesian archipelagos.
This international congress will take place in Tenerife between May 16 and 19, 2018. All information and program are available on the official website, which you can access from here.
Organization: Gobierno de Canarias; IEM NOVA FCSH; CHAM/NOVA FCSH-UAc, Universidad de La Laguna, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, University of Madeira, University of Azores, University of Cape Verde and National Archive of Cape Verde
Organizers: Maria de Lurdes Rosa (IEM-NOVA FCSH), Juan Ramón Núñez Pestano (ULL), Rute Dias Gregório (CHAM/NOVA FCSH-UAc), Vicente Suárez Grimón (ULPGC), Ana Viña Brito (ULL), Nelson Veríssimo (UMa), María Eugenia Monzón Perdomo (ULL), Antonio Correia da Silva (UCV), María Joao Câmara (CHAM/NOVA FCSH-UAc), Francisco Macías Martín (Archivo Histórico Provincial de Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Judit Gutiérrez de Armas (ULL; IEM-NOVA FCSH), Filomena Andrade (ANCV)