The Interdisciplinary Conference on Iberian Manuscripts brings together scholars with a long-standing record of research on Iberian manuscripts, and experts from institutions such as libraries, archives and museums where the manuscripts are currently kept and their preservation, conservation and eventual restoration usually take place. The Conference’s main goal is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue on Iberian manuscripts among experts from areas such as Art History, Musicology, History, Historiographical Sciences and Techniques (Archival, Paleography, Diplomatics, Epigraphy and related sciences), Literary Studies, Philosophy, Chemistry, Physics, Conservation and Restoration, and Computer Science.
We are interested in manuscripts produced in the Iberian Peninsula, with a special focus on, but not limited to, medieval sources. Topics to be discussed at the conference include: manuscripts’ patrons and promoters (institutions, communities, and minorities); production process (materials and techniques); formal and stylistic features; contents and use (musical and liturgical); circulation of manuscripts across the Iberian Peninsula and beyond; manuscripts’ conservation and preservation along time.
The Conference will tackle Iberian manuscripts from both a global perspective and an in-depth perspective. We hope that the exchange of ideas will spark new interest in Iberian manuscripts and prove the importance of considering the bigger picture of manuscripts’ history and production in addition to their specific contents.
One of the main goals of the Conference is to discuss synergies and channels to spread scientific knowledge on Iberian manuscripts to the general public, and raise awareness within society of their importance as key witnesses of Iberian history and, consequently, the importance of their conservation.
Official languages are English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian.
Organisers: Elsa De Luca; Alicia Miguélez
Registration is mandatory. We strongly encourage pre-registration, which is available until October 15.
Registration fee is:
- €5 students;
- €10 general public.
Payment must be made by bank transfer to:
- IBAN: PT50 0781 011200000006399 80
- BANK NAME: Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública – IGCP, E.P.E.
- BANK ADRESS: Av. Da República, 57 – 6º, 1050-189, Lisboa
- PAYEE: Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas
To complete the registration send a proof of payment to iem.geral@fcsh.unl.pt – the subject of the email should be: the colloquium acronym (ICIM), payment reference, and your last- and first name [e. g.: ICIM – proof of registration payment: LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME]