IEM Visiting Scholar’s Day
17.07.2020 | 10:30 - 16:30
Zoom session
Transmission on IEM's Facebook and later availability on Youtube

As one of its main goals, the Institute of Medieval Studies strives to internationalise, deepening the scientific and academic exchanges alongside building networks with national and international research centres producing scientific works and outputs of excellence, and which share identical objectives to the IEM in the field of Medieval Studies. Every year, the Institute welcomes about 10 to 15 international researchers who intend to carry out research and become Visiting researchers for longer or shorter periods. This year, the pandemic ended up ruining the plans of a considerable number of the 15 Visiting Fellows we had programmed for the months of January to December 2020, with a particular incidence in May. We have therefore decided to invite the researchers available to come and present and discuss their research. Come and meet up and discuss with them and with us!”
Speaker curriculum vitae:
Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida
Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid, she focuses her research on performativity in the literature of the 15th and 16th centuries (Teatralidad y textualidad en el “Arcipreste de Talavera”, Queen Mary University, 2003; El arte de morir: La puesta en escena de la muerte en un tratado del siglo XV, Iberoamericana, 2006), after having researched medievalism in the 19th century (Imágenes de la Edad Media: La mirada del Realismo, CSIC, 2002). Sanmartín Bastida has already worked on the topic of the research project presented in the Webinar on La representación de las místicas: Sor María de Santo Domingo en su contexto europeo (Real Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo, 2012), Las Revelaciones de María de Santo Domingo (Queen Mary, University of London, 2014; with María Luengo), La comida visionaria: Forms of food in sixteenth-century female charismatic discourse (Critical, Cultural and Communications Press, 2015) and El Libro de la oración de María de Santo Domingo: Estudio y edición (Iberoamericana, 2019; with María Victoria Curto).
She has also edited volumes on contemporary medievalism, allegorical resources, the medieval sermon, 15th and 16th century heterodoxy and Saint Teresa. Sanmartín Bastida has directed two research and development projects on women visionaries: “La construcción de la santidad femenina y del discurso visionario (siglos XV-XVI): Analysis and recovery of conventual writing” (Ref. FFI2012-32073, 2013-2015) and “The formation of female spiritual authority in Castile” (Ref. FFI2015-63625-C2-2-P; 2016-2019). Finally, she also worked for several years at the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (1996-2004) and at the University of Manchester (2001-2003), having undertaken research stays at the Sorbonne University (Paris IV) and Harvard; and was also Visiting Professor and Research Fellow at Queen Mary University, London (2008), Nottingham (2014) and Trento (2016).
Viviana Persi
Viviana Persi is an archivist-palaeographer and legal historian. She graduated from Ecole nationale des Chartes (Promotion 2014), with a thesis in Legal History, under the guidance of Professor Patrick Arabeyre, and studied at La Sapienza – Università di Roma (Faculty of Law, Scuola Speciale per Archivisti and Bibliotecari). She is currently a PhD student at the Centre d’Histoire Judiciaire (CHJ) – Université de Lille 2 – Faculté de Droit et Santé, working on a thesis entitled La transposition du langage juridique en langage figuratif dans les manuscrits juridiques enluminés XIIIe-XVe siècles. Her main research interests concern the history of institutions and the diplomatic publication of medieval and modern law sources, with special attention to protocols and notarial acts, and to judicial documents. Her research work in these fields, for which she has obtained three grants, mainly took place at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the Archivio di Stato di Roma, the Archivio di Stato di Siena and the Univertsità di Roma 3. She has presented the results of this research work at various conferences, both in Italy and abroad (Max Plank Institut für europaïsche Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt, 12-17 July 2009). Persi is currently working on illuminated medieval legal manuscripts and discussed the first results of her work at a seminar at the Ghent Law Faculty (29 March 2019) and also co-organising in Lille – Faculty of Law – a study day entitled Histoire et Gouvernance : interactions et conflits entre les acteurs et les normes (6 December 2019).
Nuria Ramón-Marqués
Professor at the Department of Audiovisual Communication, Documentation and Art History at the UPV – Polytechnic University of Valencia. Dr. Nuria Ramón’s research career focuses mainly on the study of 14th and 15th century painting and miniatures in the Kingdom of Aragon and, more specifically, in Valencia. Her training as a researcher took place between the departments of Art History at the UV and UPV. Since 1995, she has been a member of the CIMM research group. Her doctoral thesis La iluminación de manuscritos en la Valencia Gótica (1290-1438) generated a remarkable scientific impact and continues to be cited in numerous specialized publications. Biblioteca Valenciana published it in 2007 and in 2008 it was nominated for the La Corónica Western Michigan University Prize (Kalamazoo, Michigan); an international prize awarded annually for the best monograph published on the languages, literatures or cultures of the Hispanic Middle Ages. Her internships in different centres have allowed her to study Spanish panel painting at the Hispanic Society, the Metropolitan Museum in New York (2011), the Victoria and Albert Museum and the British Library in London (2012).
As a member of the Consolidated Research Group “Art i Cultura d’Època Moderna” (ACEM) of the Universitat de Lleida, she participates and collaborates in the centre’s scientific tasks. ACEM is recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya as a consolidated research centre and financed by the same public organism. This group, containing a strong international component, holds the key objective of studying the artistic and cultural expressions produced between the middle of the 15th century and the beginning of the 19th century. A Scientific Advisor to CAEM – the Centre of Modern Period Art (CAEM), a Universitat de Lleida research centre dedicated to studying late medieval and modern Spanish and European art. Since 2003, she has obtained several specialist and collaborative grants from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) having also participated as a research member in R+D+I projects funded by tender calls.
She has participated in several national and international conferences, as a keynote speaker on some occasions, with the most recent in February 2019 at The Courtauld Institute of Art at the conference “The Prayerbook of Alfonso of Aragon and Manuscript Illumination in early 15th-century Valencia”.
Ulisses Oliveira
Ulisses Oliveira has a PhD in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from the the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Sao Paulo) and a Master’s Degree in the same area from the same university. He is a professor at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), where he teaches subjects related to English Language and Linguistics at the undergraduate level. Furthermore, he also contributes to the Post-Graduate Program in Languages (PPGLetras), via the research line “Discourse, subjectivity and language teaching”, and in the Professional Master’s in Languages (PROFLETRAS). In the postgraduate context, he supervises students and teaches various subjects related to the research project he coordinates (“Persuasion and ideology at the interface between systemic-functional linguistics and literatures in Galician-Portuguese, Portuguese and English”). He was a professor at the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), Coordinator of the LEP (Laureate English Program) at Laureate International Universities and English professor at the Business School at Anhembi Morumbi University, where he helped implement and was later in charge of coordinating the English subject in the blended learning hybrid modality at the Business and Hospitality School. During this period, Ulisses also taught English for Marketing, Business Administration, International Commerce, Hospitality, Tourism and International Relations. As a researcher, he carries out studies and has publications in the following areas: (a) ICT, with a focus on blended and tandem learning for integrated international language teaching courses and various contents for undergraduate students; (b) Systemic-Functional Linguistics, with a focus on the analysis of transitivity, persuasion and ideology, in research at the interface between literature and linguistics; and (c) Portuguese Philology and comparative literature, with diachronic studies involving medieval Galician-Portuguese songs, baroque literature and modernism.
Jorge Prádanos Fernández
He is a doctoral student and pre-doctoral fellow in the Department of Art History at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he is developing his line of research and thesis entitled “A servicio de Dios y por comunal de todos hacemos este libro. Analysis and context of the illumination of the manuscripts of the Siete Partidas, directed by Dr. Laura Fernández Fernández. The thesis thus aims to analyse the medieval production of the Siete Partidas manuscripts by Alfonso X the Wise as regards the style and type of illumination they possess, the legal iconography they develop and their relationship with other late medieval legal works both on the Iberian Peninsula and beyond the Pyrenees. For his PhD, he obtained several pre-doctoral grants, such as an FPU contract grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, as well as an Erasmus + PhD study grant, which enabled his internship at the Spanish School of History and Archaeology in Rome and the opportunity to research in the manuscript collection of the Vatican Apostolic Library and work with canonical and civil legal manuscripts from the 13th-18th centuries. For his thesis, he also consulted national libraries and archives such as the National Library of Spain, the Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de El Escorial, the Biblioteca y Archivo Capitular de Toledo, the Biblioteca Capitular de Córdoba, the Archivo del Reino de Galicia, the Historical Library of the University of Oviedo, the Historical Archive of the University of Santiago de Compostela, the Library of the Royal Academy of History or the Zabálburu y Basabe Library in Madrid, among others. He has participated in several conferences and seminars related to his line of research in Spain, Italy and Portugal, especially around the image of justice, medieval legal manuscripts and the Siete Partidas. He has also acquired knowledge and skills in the utilisation of online tools for manuscript research consultation, including Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, Galiciana, PARES, Manus Online, PhiloBiblon, Bernestein, Gallica, Enluminaires, as well as for database management via Mendeley or FileMaker Pro. Finally, as a result of obtaining the FPU scholarship-contract, he has received teaching internships on the Ancient Art subject in the History Degree at the Complutense University of Madrid during the 2019/2020 academic year and with a total of 4 internships.