On July 16, 2024, IEM will celebrate another IEM Doctoral Student Day. As usual, we will have a program of socializing and sharing among all the Institute’s doctoral students, both among themselves and with other IEM researchers.

As part of our long-standing tradition, this year’s IEM Doctoral Student Day will feature the presentation and discussion of thesis projects. This is a valuable opportunity for doctoral students to showcase their research from the latest edition of the Doctorate in Medieval Studies and from the various third-cycle programs offered by FCSH (Medieval History) and the Open University (Portuguese Studies).

After the presentations in which doctoral students at different stages of development of their respective theses will talk about their projects or complementary aspects of their research and experience, we will have a space for debate and dialogue between the doctoral students, the Institute’s management, and researchers who already have doctorates, in which aspirations and needs, forms of closer collaboration and initiatives that IEM doctoral students consider useful can be presented and discussed.

A small snack/cocktail should provide a moment of relaxation and conviviality to pleasantly end what will undoubtedly have been another productive day for IEM.