This session will be dedicated to the potentialities, specificities, fragilities and challenges that emerge from a particular, unwritten type of archives, the photographic archives. First, it will address broader issues related to formal problems that emerge from the description of images, the line that separates artistic and non-artistic photographs, or the attempt to recover the authorial voice. Then, we will focus on the more technical obstacles that face the conservation, preservation and availability of this type of archives. Finally, the universe of stereoscopy (three-dimensionality simulation technique) and its (un)archiving will be explored. The meeting will close with the presentation of a case study on work representations in Portuguese cinema within the National Archive of the Moving Image (ANIM) of the Cinemateca Portuguesa – Cinema Museum.
This session will have the participation of Paulo Leme (DGLAB/ANTT), Carla Lobo (DGLAB/ANTT), Victor Flores (ULHT; CIC. Digital – Polo Cicant), Luísa Veloso (ISCTE-IUL; CIES-IUL) and Frédéric Vidal (CRIA/ISCTE-IUL) and will be moderated by Paulo Jorge Fernandes.
Organization: IEM-FCSH/NOVA; CHAM-FCSH/NOVA, UAc; IHC-FCSH/NOVA; Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas