Extraordinary Seminar “Redes Clientelares Eclesiásticas e política beneficial nos Reinos da Península Ibérica durante a Baixa Idade Média”
04.03.2021 - 05.03.2021
Zoom sessions

Extraordinary Seminar “Ecclesiastic Clientele Networks and Beneficiary Politics in the Iberian Peninsula Kingdoms during the Late Middle Ages“
At the confluence of a fruitful historiographical current and the increasingly marked interest in the history of the institutions of power in the medieval period, this seminar focuses on networks of sociability related to the medieval Monarchy and Church in the Iberian space. Aimed preferably at master’s and doctoral degree students, the presentations, by Portuguese and Spanish specialists, take the form of case studies focusing on the identification, composition and implications of some of the ecclesiastical solidarity networks intertwined and operating between the Papacy, the Monarchies and the Church in the kingdoms of Portugal, Castile and Aragon in the late medieval period.
Coordination: Jorge Díaz Ibáñez (Universidad Complutense) and Mário Farelo (IEM – NOVA FCSH/CEHR-UCP)
Organisation: CEHR–UCP and IEM–NOVA FCSH