The cycle of conferences on “Medievalismos e Neomedievalismos” (Medievalisms and Neomedievalisms), which takes place during the months of April to June 2022, is organised within the framework of a new seminar on the same theme, which forms part of the Medieval Studies Doctoral Program curriculum (E-learning), coordinated by Universidade Aberta and NOVA University. The cycle features a set of four sessions that cover some of the main approaches to the Middle Ages, understood both as a historical period and a mental construction, with their consequences identified in contemporary society. The focus is therefore placed on the instrumentalisation of the Middle Ages as a factor for political legitimation, academic medievalism and the construction of historical narratives about the Middle Ages as well as how the medieval period emerges both in the field of literary creation and in the universe of television series.
Isabel Barros Dias (UAberta)
Rosário Lupi Belo (UAberta)
Alicia Miguélez (IEM, NOVA FCSH)
Link to access sessions: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/85185322950