The Webinars Cycle “Dialogues of Art, History and Law” is organized by the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM – NOVA FCSH), together with the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team and in partnership with the Portuguese Heraldry Institute (IPH), the Capitular Library of Verona and the Capitular Library of Vercelli. 

This initiative, organized by a scientific and organizational committee composed of members of the IUS ILLUMINATUM research team, coordinated by researcher Maria Alessandra Bilotta, PI of the team, aims to establish a fruitful dialogue between different scientific disciplines, namely History of Art, History and History of Law, necessary for the study of illuminated legal manuscripts and documents. 

This initiative also aims to facilitate synergies between different areas of knowledge and to disseminate the results of research to a wider audience, always maintaining scientific rigor, in order to promote the importance of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of manuscripts and medieval legal documents, drawing attention to the importance of conserving that heritage. 

Next session: Mai 6th 2022
“Legal Manuscripts Illuminations and Documents: Two Cases of Study” 
(coords. Maria João Branco – IEM-NOVA/FCSH and Gianluca del Monaco – Alma Mater Studiorum/Università di Bologna)   
Moderator: Maria João Branco (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) 
Susanne Wittekind (Universität zu Köln)  – Illuminated libri feudorum and capbreus from Catalonia 
Fabrice Delivré (Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne; LAMOP) – The Montecristo Case (1241). A Survey of the Documentary Evidence 

Calendar of sessions:
 – February 4 2022: Heraldry in places and instruments of justice (coord. Miguel Metelo de Seixas) | [Youtube recording] 
– March 4 2022: Justice and Final Judgment: Some Questions of Monumental Representations in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (coord. Maria Alessandra Bilotta) | [Youtube recording] 
– April 1 2022: Images and Texts in Medieval Legal Manuscripts and Documents (coord. Gianluca del Monaco, Marta Mangini) | [Youtube recording] 
– May 6 2022 
– June 3 2022 

Maria Alessandra Bilotta (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) – General Coordinator 
Maria João Branco (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) 
Fabio Barberini (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) 
André Miguel da Cunha Vitória (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) 
Bertrand Cosnet (Université Lille 3) 
Gianluca del Monaco (Università di Bologna) 
Miguel Metelo de Seixas (IEM-NOVA/FCSH) 
Silvia Faccin (Fondazione Museo del Duomo di Vercelli) 
Timoty Leonardi (Fondazione Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona) 
Jorge Jiménez López (Universidad de Zaragoza) 
Marta Mangini (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale) 
Jorge Prádanos Fernández (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 
Organizing institutions: 
Oficina de investigação IUS ILLUMINATUM 
Biblioteca Capitolare di Vercelli 
Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona 
Instituto Português de Heráldica (IPH)