Cycle of Conversations: Medieval Leiria
22.07.2022 - 24.07.2022
Igreja da Nossa Senhora da Pena, Leiria

Under the auspices of Medieval Leiria event, this year focused on the Leiria Courts of 1438, Leiria Municipal Council, in partnership with the Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University and the Portuguese Society of Medieval Studies, is presenting a cycle of “Conversations” dedicated to the aforementioned theme.
Under the Scientific Coordination of Catarina Fernandes Barreira and Maria de Lurdes Rosa, these “Conversas sopbre a Idade Média” / “Conversations” on History (the Courts, Leiria and the years 1437-1438) will take place on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th July 2022, and draw on a group of highly renowned medievalists among the speakers and moderators for each session.
Friday, 22 July 6pm
D. Duarte and the nuns of Arouca: disorder in the convent, by Doctor Luís Rêpas (IEM FCSH UNL), with moderation by Doctor Catarina Fernandes Barreira (IEM FCSH UNL).
Saturday, 23 July 3pm
Medieval courts: know about those in Leiria and much more, by Doctor Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (CHSC FL UC), with moderation by Doctor João Luís Fontes (IEM FCSH UNL).
Sunday, 24 July 3pm
Leiria: episodes from its history in the times of courts, by Doctor Saul Gomes (CHSC FL UC), with moderation by Doctor Maria de Lurdes Rosa (IEM FCSH UNL).