Conference by Chris Wickham: “The Donkey and the Boat: Rethinking Mediterranean Economic Expansion in the Eleventh Century”
11.03.2019 | 17:30
Tower B, Auditorium 1, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon
Free entrance

Professor Chris Wickham is in Lisbon to deliver a lecture entitled “The donkey and the boat: rethinking Mediterranean commerce in the eleventh century”, as part of the IEM Conferences series, and also as a result of the Erasmus Exchange Seminar that took place between NOVA FCSH/Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM) and the University of Oxford, between 2015-2018.
Chris Wickham, Emeritus Professor at Oxford University, will be in Lisbon to teach an undergraduate class and a postgraduate seminar at the IEM, and he has also made himself available to give a lecture open to the interested public. In fact, this year’s IEM Conferences will open with the presence of this special guest speaker, considered one of the leading medievalists of our time.
Known for his pertinent macro and micro approaches to the Mediterranean world and for his global and detailed views of the great defining movements of Medieval Europe, Chris Wickham here conveys a central theme on which he has recurrently focused his research, the economic development of the Mediterranean in the 11th century, providing us with an innovative, interdisciplinary and global vision that is of interest to all historians, archaeologists, art historians and diplomatists.
Join us on 11 March 2019 at 5.30pm at NOVA FCSH (Tower B, Auditorium 1) to attend the speech with a small drinks reception served at the end with the opportunity to talk to our guest.