The Colloquium “O Feminismo nos Arquivos” (Females in the Archives) takes place between 16 and 18 November 2020, broadcast live online. This represents an initiative by the Regional Directorate of Culture, through the Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada, through an ongoing scientific partnership with CHAM Azores, a unit of the Humanities Research Centre, NOVA University and the University of the Azores, as well as the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM), NOVA University. Histórias Sábias Cultural Association (HS) and the Cultural Institute of Ponta Delgada (ICPD) are also partners in this initiative.
Coordination: Cristina Moscatel, Joana Couto, Sónia Freitas, Hugo Brás
Organisation: Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada; University of the Azores, CHAM – Azores, IEM NOVA-FCSH, the Histórias Sábias –Cultural Association and the Cultural Institute of Ponta Delgada