NOVA FCSH‘s Institute for Medieval Studies and Castelo de Vide municipality promote an Autumn School for master’s and doctoral students in the Middle Ages.

The aim is to create a space for debate and exchange of experiences in which students can deepen their knowledge and skills, enjoy the presence of renowned experts from prestigious universities, and promote an interdisciplinary look at the chosen topic.

The Autumn School is structured around theoretical sessions, followed by practical research workshops. These workshops are designed to enhance students’ research skills and provide hands-on experience. The School also includes a study visit to the Historic Center of Castelo de Vide.

Students will also be able to present their research topics and work methodologies in poster format to be discussed during the School, in a session dedicated to this purpose.

This year, the Autumn School in Medieval Studies will take place in Castelo de Vide on the 1st and 2nd of October.

Registration is open until September 15th, and scholarship applications are open until July 12th. More details can be found here.

The School’s languages are Portuguese, Spanish, and English.