Arquivos de instituições estatais
5th Session of the Cycle of the Seminar “Arquivos & História: estado(s) da(s) arte(s)"(2016-17)
Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon

In the fifth session of this seminar’s cycle, it is proposed that historiographical and archival knowledge intersect based on studies and analyses of the structure and activity of the information/archival systems of past state institutions.
What effects will it have for historiography in general, and for these institutions in particular, to treat these systems as objects of study in themselves, instead of investigating them only as repositories of so-called primary sources or as reflections and illustrative or representative evidence? What will be the consequences for archival historiography of the in-depth knowledge of the constitution, continuities and ruptures in the operation of these systems in the context of the activity of these past institutions?
Three important institutions in the State structure will be specifically considered: a High Court and an Intendency at the end of the Ancien Regime, and a Secretariat of State during the constitutional monarchy. Answers will be sought on the basis of more or less detailed reconstitutions of the regulatory norms and concrete practices observed at various times in all or part of their filing systems. Different methods for doing so will be discussed. Finally, we will develop some epistemological problematizations that motivate and are triggered by this kind of work.
This session will have the participation of Bruno Cordovil (IHC-FCSH/NOVA), Sónia Henrique (IHC-FCSH/NOVA), José Subtil (UAL) and will be moderated by Ana Canas.
Organizors: IEM-FCSH/NOVA; CHAM-FCSH/NOVA, UAc; IHC-FCSH/NOVA; Direção-Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas