“A Escrita e a Arte da Iluminura Medieval – Bíblias Monumentais do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra: conhecer, divulgar e conservar”
19.05.2022 | 16:30
Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto

IEM and LAQV-REQUIMTE present a series of lectures and a workshop dedicated to writing and the art of medieval illumination – “A Escrita e a Arte da Iluminura Medieval – Bíblias Monumentais do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra: conhecer, divulgar e conservar” (The Writing and the Art of Medieval Illumination – Monumental Bibles from the Monastery of Santa Cruz de Coimbra: to know, to promote and to conserve) . The event takes place at the Oporto Municipal Public Library on May 19th, with free but obligatory registration via email: bmp@cm-porto.pt
Bíblias Monumentais do mosteiro de Santa Cruz de Coimbra: conhecer, divulgar e conservar / Monumental Bibles from the Monastery of Santa Cruz de Coimbra: to know, to promote and to conserve | 10am-12pm
The Santa Cruz Monastery Library contains two bibles (BPMP, Sta. Cruz 1 and Sta. Cruz 2 and 3), whose cultural and artistic value has stimulated continuous and renewed studies. Preserved in the Oporto Municipal Public Library, these manuscripts are among the most remarkable examples for which we know international models and local particularities of their time. They continue to pose and generate questions, particularly about their site of production and the identities of their illuminators. Works produced in medieval monastic environments presented to the contemporary world in all their splendour, materials, forms and colours.
Oficina de escrita medieval / Medieval Writing Workshop | 2.30pm to 4.30pm
From recipes described in Iberian sources, we here prepare medieval writing inks based on galleries, also known as iron gall ink. With sustainable materials and environmentally-friendly technologies, we also reproduce a text with all the perfect calligraphy of the medieval copyists.