4th Medieval Session: “Culture Access: do we know our impact?”
Online session (Via Zoom)
26.06.2024 | 16:00 - 18:00

The Medieval session, a unique and engaging event, is back for its 3rd session!
After the previous sessions (which can be seen here and here), the third session focuses on social impact and promoting access – physical, social, and intellectual – to cultural participation.
Accesso Cultura, a pivotal association in the cultural sector, was founded in 2013. It envisions a society that fosters curiosity and inclusivity, where every citizen can dream, participate, and excel.
When we talk about impact, we usually think in numbers. An association like Acesso Cultura, whose primary target audience is professionals in the cultural sector, is impressive with the numbers it has to present (such as the number of training actions, debates, participants, or consultancy projects).
How can you seek to obtain feedback on your activity, be aware of your reach and contribution, and share this information with other agents and society?
We will have Alexandre Matos present to introduce us to this extraordinary association.
Alexandre Matos, our esteemed guest, is the director of the Formação e Investigação da Sistemas do Futuro, Lda. He holds a PhD and master’s degree in Museology from the Universidade do Porto and a bachelor’s degree in History from the Universidade Portucalense. Alexandre Matos is a researcher at CITCEM – Centro De Investigação Transdisciplinar “Cultura, Espaço e Memória” and was project manager project Mu.SA – Museum Sector Alliance on behalf of ICOM Portugal.
He is a member of the SPECTRUM PT project and is responsible for disseminating and updating the SPECTRUM standard in Portugal. He is currently participating in the project to translate version 5 of the standard. Since 2016, he has been a regular member of the board of CIDOC (Comité Internacional para a Documentação do ICOM) and then Editor.
He is currently responsible for the exhibition and performance documentation working group. He has always liked museums, but he fell completely in love with them when he worked in one for the first time and realized the ability to tell stories with a simple object. He works on museum documentation because he believes it is the best way to keep these stories alive. He writes about it on Mouseion. He has been a member of Acesso Cultura since 2015.