After a first edition in Lisbon in 2022 and a second in Madrid in 2023, the exhibition “Light and Shadow. Representations of the Middle Ages in Cinema” travels outside Europe and will be held in Tokyo during June and July 2024. On this occasion, the cycle will be part of the annual cinema program at TUFS (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies), thanks to the work and initiative of Prof. Junko Kume, a specialist in the Iberian Middle Ages and a teacher at TUFS.

This third edition focuses on films that highlight the importance of books and written culture in the Middle Ages. Thus, it is titled “Light and Shadow of the Middle Ages: Adventures of the Book.”

The cycle will feature two sessions, the first of which will take place on June 23rd, in which the film Brendan and the World of Kells (The Book of Kells, Tomm Moor & Nora Twomeye, Ireland, 2009) will be shown. The second will be celebrated on July 7th, with the screening of the film The Destiny (Al Massir, Youssef Chahine, Egypt, 1997). On June 23rd, the opening of the exhibition will be attended by Prof. Alicia Miguélez (IEM, NOVA FCSH), who will present the project and previous editions organized in Lisbon and Madrid and, together with Prof. Junko Kume (TUFS), the films selected for this occasion.


(Photographs and graphic material: Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)