2nd Workshop Internacional “Dialogues in Late Medieval Mediterranean: Between East and West”
13.11.2017 - 14.11.2017
Palácio de Carlos V - Alhambra, Granada, Spain

The aim of the 2nd International Workshop “Dialogues in Late Medieval Mediterranean: Between East and West”, which will take place at Alhambra of Granada (Spain), is to establish an exchange opportunity to analyse the cultural legacy of the Western Islamic societies from different and complementary perspectives.
To achieve this aim, a double objective has been proposed: to create a space for dialogue in order to share recent research results, as well as to establish new research networks, integrated by experienced and young researchers, thus allowing for the development of interdisciplinary research lines on the late Middle Ages.
Within this general framework, the main goal will be to analyse the Islamic cultural legacy in a comprehensive approach, from the multidisciplinary fields of History of Art, Architecture, History, Archaeology, Philosophy, Music and History of Religions. The participant researchers in the Workshop are specialists from research centres of different countries: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, France, Hungry and United States.
This initiative is a milestone of the ArtMedGIS project, hosted in Institute for Medieval Studies at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of NOVA University of Lisbon (IEM-NOVA FCSH) and financed by the European Commission – Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions (IF), awarded to María Marcos Cobaleda.
Organisation: ArtMedIGIS Project (MSCA – H2020, No. 699818); Instituto de Estudos Medievais – Faculdade de Ciênciais Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (IEM-NOVA FCSH)
Collaboration: Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife; Universidad de Granada (UGR, Granada)
Scientific direction and coordination: María Marcos Cobaleda
The registration is free and is now open until the 8th of November. You can participate by confirm your registration to one of the following emails: mmcobaleda@ugr.es; mmcobaleda@fcsh.unl.pt; iem.geral@fcsh.unl.pt