Professor Juliette Day will deliver a present a communictation entitled “Eucharistic Materiality and Lay Liturgical Experiences in the Early Middle Ages” as part of the IEM Conference Cycle, following up and developing the theme already more succinctly presented at the last edition of the “Medieval Europe in Motion” International Congress, held at the Monastery of Batalha in November 2019 alluding to the theme of “Materiality and Devotion”.

Biographical note:
Juliette Day is Professor of Church History at the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki and Senior Research Fellow in Ancient Christian Liturgy at Oxford University. Her research has focused on the study of ancient Christian liturgy, especially that practiced in Jerusalem and the Palestine region during Late Antiquity as well as the interpretation of ancient or contemporary liturgical texts. The chosen themes interweave some of the central issues in the study of liturgy and devotional practices, drawing upon textual, archaeological and iconographic sources and interlinking the liturgy and its texts not only with their material and performative dimensions but also with their sociological and anthropological dimensions. Her innovative, interdisciplinary and global vision provides an invitation for everyone to participate, from historians, archaeologists and art historians to the cultivators of religious history, theology or anthropology.