Workshop “Plataformas digitais e representação da informação: As bases de dados entre o projecto e o usufruto pela comunidade”
Torre do Tombo Nacional Archive
Almada Negreiros College, Lisbon
Zoom session

This activity is part of the VINCULUM Meetings: Databases and Historical Archivistics project.
“Software livre e software proprietário” (“Free software and proprietary software”), “Plataformas digitais ao serviço da História” (“Digital platforms at the service of History”) and “AtoM entre a metainformação descritiva e a reconstituição de arquivos” (“AtoM between descriptive metadata and the reconstitution of archives”) are the core themes of this international workshop, run by the VINCULUM project and bringing together a group of experts from various nationalities to discuss the role of archival databases between developing the research project and long term usage by the community.
Why use free software? What is the vision of the business world facing the European directives that recommend using free and open source software in state IT systems and research projects receiving public funding? What is the advantage of adapting software to the needs of projects? What operative trends have emerged in the last few years? What are the strategies and working methodologies currently under implementation by academic projects to create authentic information repositories? These are some of the questions this workshop seeks to answer.