Open Course “No tempo de D. Dinis”
13.03.2021 - 24.04.2021
Zoom sessions

Aimed at a broad public, but particularly catering for primary and secondary school teachers, the course aims to present and discuss key issues and problems of medieval Portuguese history and culture within the framework of the most current research and critical reflections, and adopting multidisciplinary perspective. Hence, this course aims to be a space for updating and critically reflecting on one of the richest and most dynamic moments in national medieval history.
Focusing on the reign of King Dinis, this approaches the long 13th century as this study will span the first quarter of the following century, contemplating the most diverse aspects, from politics to culture, from art to literature in order to convey an understanding of how decisive dimensions of the Portuguese medievality were shaped, as well as some traces of the identity of the Portuguese kingdom within the context of Europe of its time.
A course accredited by CCPFC (ACC-109811/20), with relevance for the scientific and pedagogic dimensions of teachers of Portuguese and History (groups 200, 300, 400).
Coordination: Amélia Aguiar Andrade, João Luís Fontes, Joherem Ruivo and Miguel Metelo de Seixas
Organisation: Batalha Monastery / Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage; Institute of Medieval Studies of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH)
Support: Training Centre of the Cooperation and Learning Network (CFRCA) and Estremadura Heritage Centre (CEPAE)