Course”A Filosofia na História da Baixa Idade Média: Escolástica e mentalidades”
21.01.2019 - 01.02-2019

The Cursos de ANO NOVO (New Year Programs) (CAN) represent one facet in the general project of opening up NOVA University to society in the fulfilment of its public service mission, as stipulated in the Statutes of the of School of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH), striving to contribute to the qualification of citizens in the areas of Social Sciences and Humanities.
This first edition includes the course “A Filosofia na História da Baixa Idade Média: Escolástica e mentalidades” (The History of Philosophy in the Lower Middle Ages: Scholasticism and Mentalities). This course aims, throughout 10 sessions, to bring specialists and the general public closer to the philosophical currents and concepts that converge in the formation of mentalities during the medieval period both in Portugal and in Europe.
The focus is historical and adopts a chronological format with each session analysing an author or philosophical current. Thus, students become better able to understand the contributions that Philosophy has made to history, both through the ideas used in political propaganda and through the texts copied, transmitted and spread throughout Europe.
The course also strives to analyse in detail the case of Portugal within the European context, indicating the authors and the works in circulation in Portugal in this period.
The Program and information on enrolment are available from the open courses section of the Luís Krus Centre on the NOVA FCSH website.
Registration for all programs open from 7 November to 14 December 2018.