The Institute of Medieval Studies of the Scool of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, the Cistercian Horizons project, the Portuguese Association of Guides and Interpreters and the Monastery of Alcobaça /DGPC propose a course for guides and interpreters entitled “O quotidiano monástico cisterciense. Séculos XII – XVI” (Cistercian Monastic Daily Life 12th – 16th Centuries).

The main goal is to provide participants with the knowledge that will allow them to interpret and contextualise the daily life of the Portuguese Cistercian monasteries, male and female, specifically from Alcobaça, their relationships not only with the territory but also with the ruling powers and under whose protection they flourished during the Middle Ages. This will discuss aspects related to the daily life of Cistercian communities, the liturgy and its performance, as well as the illuminated books produced in the Alcobaça scriptorium and also the experiences of monastic female communities. The daily sessions, with a total of eleven interventions over two weeks, receive contributions from several different researchers, experts on their fields who convey their knowledge and experience to the participants.

Participation upon registration.

Information and enrolment: