
Calendar of Events

M Mon

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S Sun

1 event,

UNESCO Chair “The Cultural Heritage of the Oceans | 2022

1 event,

3 events,

MedCrafts Project Final Congress

4th Workshop on Juridical Culture: Jurists and the Medieval State. Varieties and Development of a Symbiotic Relationship, 1100-1500

1 event,

2 events,

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Fray Lope de Olmedo y la «Reforma» Monástica en la Orden de San Jerónimo (1373 – 1567)” – María del Pilar Abellan Millán (Universitat de Barcelona)

2 events,

2 events,

3rd International Workshop of the IUS ILLUMINATUM Research Team – The Illuminated Legal Manuscript. Research in Progress

2 events,


International Conference: “Mistérios e segredos dos Cancioneiros: caminhos da poesia, iluminura e escrita nas cantigas medievais galego-portuguesas”

2 events,

2nd IEM Conference 2022: “Panthers from the Physiologus to Rilke: A Preliminary Literary Typology” – Nigel Harris Prof. Nigel Harris (University of Birmingham)

2 events,

International Congress Cistercian Horizons