
Presentation of the New Archaeological Map of the Castelo de Vide territory

This project consists of carrying out a diachronic analysis of the rural territory of the municipality of Castelo de Vide with a view to creating a New Archaeological Charter. It is a project to be carried out by researchers from the Institute of Medieval Studies (IEM - NOVA FCSH), in collaboration with the Castelo de […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Cancioneiros. Livros de memória” – Maria Ana Ramos (Universität Zürich)

The first manifestations of literary production in Portuguese correspond to texts in verse, generally composed by educated poets - troubadours - who lived in various royal and lordly courts of the Iberian Peninsula, particularly in the Northwest. The songbook compositions - cantigas -, which certainly circulated in loose form, were preserved through poetry books - […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “La escritura árabe como índice cultural: la hurufiyya como aljamiado anacrónico” – Marta Pérez Castro (Universidad de Sevilla)

Writing, within its communicative function, also constitutes a visual index of artistic styles, and since art is a determining part of culture that shapes both physical and immaterial heritage, through its analysis it is possible to deduce the worldview that governs the historical and social processes of a given context.   Focusing on Arabic writing, after […]

Second MedCrafts Project Conference

The Second MedCrafts project is taking place on February 6th at Almada Negreiros College (Room 306). The event is restricted to the project's research team.  

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Tratados Árabes de Culinária do Ocidente Islâmico (sécs. IX- XIII)” – António Rei

The 8th century introduction, via the Middle East, of new foods into the diet of the Islamic West (the al-Andalus and the Maghrib) represents an important point of passage, which also contributed to the technical and agricultural transformations that al-Andalus witnessed between the 9th and 11th centuries. These changes enabled foodstuffs of different origins to […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Revivalismos medievais na definição identitária de uma família aristocrática no ocaso da monarquia: o programa iconográfico do palácio da Rosa, em Lisboa” – Miguel Metelo de Seixas

In 1888, the heiress of the House of Castelo Melhor married the 3rd Viscount of Várzea. In 1901, both assumed the title of Marquises of Castelo Melhor - she by right, he by marriage. As the palace belonging to these holders in Lisbon, in Passeio Público, had been sold to the Marquis of Foz, the […]

Meeting of the IEM External Scientific Committee

The meeting of the External Scientific Committee for Monitoring the Institute for Medieval Studies (IEM) will take place on February 21st at the Campus de Campolide, Colégio Almada Negreiros, room A13, floor -1. This is a key meeting in the critical evaluation of the IEM's activities and progress, as well as of the proposals for […]

Seminar in Medieval Studies: “Os Sufis no Garb al-Andalus. Vivências e convivências, entre os séculos X e XIII” – António Rei (IEM – NOVA FCSH)

The aim of this conference is to identify and list the Muslim mystics (Sufis) known to be present in Ġarb al-Andalus between the tenth and thirteenth centuries, detailing their social and cultural origins, their journeys, experiences and relationships with the different political, military and legal powers in al-Andalus over these centuries. The time period under […]