ROSSIO Infrastructure
ROSSIO is the leading Portuguese infrastructure for cultural heritage in the Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities service. It is part of the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures of Strategic Interest (RNIE) and a member of the pan-European infrastructure DARIAH-EU - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. All NOVA FCSH UIs integrate, contribute to, and benefit from ROSSIO services.
The ROSSIO consortium, led by NOVA FCSH, includes 3 Portuguese universities and 18 public and private entities linked to cultural heritage, one of which is Brazilian. It brings together more than 7 million digital content records from all these institutions, including databases of NOVA FCSH UIs, made available in open access.
Among other services, it offers a simple and advanced research portal that is easily accessible to all, a virtual research environment for collaborative work open to all national and international researchers, a multimedia training room, controlled vocabularies essential for organizing and retrieving information, as well as functionalities for the creation and publication of digital exhibitions and collections, giving greater visibility to Portuguese-speaking cultural heritage and NOVA FCSH's research among the general public, the educational community and the tourism sector.