The project IGAEDIS – The historical village of Idanha-a-Velha: city, territory and population in ancient times (first century BC. – twelfth century AD) – PTDC/HAR-ARQ/6273/2020, was one of the three archaeology projects funded in the last tender call open for every FCT scientific field (2020 Call for SR&TD Project Grants). The project results from a partnership between the Universities of Coimbra, NOVA University, Idanha-a-Nova Municipal Council and the Centro Regional Directorate of Culture. The project now funded is led by Pedro C. Carvalho from CEIS 20/UC and Catarina Tente from IEM/Nova FCSH and deploys a multidisciplinary and international team from several national and international institutions. The team will now continue the study of the historical village of Idanha-a-Velha (district of Idanha-a-Nova), which was once a capital city (Roman), the seat of a bishopric (Suevi-Visigoth) and the nerve centre of the Knights Templar. The Historical Village, a National Monument, where today about 50 people live, was possibly the most important place in the current Portuguese interior, between the Tagus and the Douro, for almost 1,200 years. This village retains important testimonies and monuments of this historical legacy.

The project seeks to extend the scale of intervention of a previous project (2016-2019) and holds the following objectives: 1) to characterise the urban evolution of the ancient city and its territories over a long timeframe (from the 1st BC to the 12th AD); 2) to ascertain patterns of production and consumption of the city and its territory; 3) to study the ancient populations that lived there. Methodologically, the study of the ancient city is based on an archaeological excavation plan that targets the main public spaces and will allow us to determine the preferred cultural/commercial contacts and the production and consumption of goods, both food and everyday items. The study of the territory over the long term will focus on settlement strategies and the exploitation of resources,  carried out in a systemic and integrated approach applying GIS analysis, remote sensing and prospection.

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Research Unit: IEM-NOVA FCSH
Participating Institutions: Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova; University of Coimbra and NOVA University
Coordinators: Pedro C. Carvalho and Catarina Tente
Research Team: Tomás Cordero Ruiz, Brais X. Currás, Ricardo Costeira da Silva, Adolfo Fernández, Patrícia Dias, José Cristóvão, Gabriel de Souza, Sofia Tereso, João Pedro Tereso, José Ruivo, Vera Pereira, Lídia Fernandes, Armando Redentor, Catarina Meira, Bruno Franco Moreno, Paulo Almeida Fernandes and Saul Gomes

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