In the 2018 edition of the Science and Technology Meetings, taking place between 2nd and 4th July at the Lisbon Congress Centre, the Institute of Medieval Studies, the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (IEM-NOVA FCSH) is participating with a communication.
Integrated into the sessions on theme 11 – Cidades e Comunidades Sustentáveis (Sustainable Cities and Communities), the section Salvaguardar o Património Cultural e Natural I (Safeguarding Cultural and Natural Heritage I) sees the presentation of a joint project, developed in partnership with the Requimte Laboratory (NOVA FCT), under the theme: “Para uma preservação sustentável de património em risco. SOS Codex” (Towards the sustainable preservation of heritage at risk. SOS Codex).

Our communication, presented by Alícia Miguélez (IEM) and Maria João Melo (REQUIMTE), takes place on July 4 at 11:30am. Come and join us!