Issue 24 of the Institute of Medieval Studies journal, Medievalista OnLine, for the July to December 2018 period, is now out. Manuel Pedro Ferreira takes over the Highlights section with a paper on “Martin Codax: a história que a música conta”. The Articles section opens with André Oliveira da Silva, who writes on “Ensinar e Aprender na Évora Medieval”, followed by Duarte Babo Marinho with “Diplomacia Visual na Baixa Idade Média Portuguesa: os Oficiais de Armas”, António Martins Costa details “O Casamento de D. Leonor e Frederico III (1451-1452) e as Relações entre Portugal e o Sacro Império nos Finais da Idade Média”, before closing with Juan Carlos Arboleda Goldaracena and the study entitled “El aprovechamiento del cauce fluvial en una encomienda andaluza de la Orden de San Juan: las aceñas de Alcolea del Rio en el siglo XV”.

The usual sections for critical reviews and thesis presentations focus, respectively, on Iñaki Martín Viso’s book Asentamientos y paisajes rurales en el Occidente medieval, and on the recent critical edition of the “Crónica de D. João I“, and providing a synopsis of the doctoral dissertations by Delmira Espada Custódio and José Fernando Tinoco Díaz. The Assorted section informs on the cycle of conferences taking place throughout 2018 at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, under the theme “Coleção Calouste S. Gulbenkian (1869-1955). Manuscritos Ocidentais”; finally, we also include a news item on the presence of the Institute of Medieval Studies at the International Congress on Medieval Studies, which took place in Kalamazoo, United States of America.

This and previous issues are available at: