Visiting researchers
Blanca Espina Jerez
Blanca Espina Jerez
Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Biographic note
A doctoral degree student in the Health Sciences/History of Nursing at the University of Alicante, and after graduating in Nursing from the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo (2017-ongoing). She also holds a Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology from Pontifícia Universidade Comillas, Madrid (2014-2016), and an undergraduate degree in Psychology, Universidade Complutense de Madrid (2010-2014). She also carried out a Research Internship at the Health Science Research Unit (UICISA: E), Coimbra (Portugal), between 06-2019 and 09-2020.
As a researcher, Blanca Espina-Jerez is a member of HISAG-EP (History, Health and Gender – Spain and Portugal) with a study associated to the Structural Project: the History and Epistemology of Health and Nursing at the Health Science Research Unit: Nursing (UCISA: E), at the Coimbra Higher School of Nursing and the Faculty of Physiotherapy and Nursing, UCLM (Toledo); and a collaborator with the ENDOCU (Nursing, Pain and Care) Research Group of the Faculty of Physiotherapy and Nursing, University of Castilla – La Mancha (UCLM), Toledo campus.
Since May of this year, she has been undertaking a research internship at the IEM (School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University), under the supervision of researcher António Rei.
Manuel Magán Abollo
Manuel Magán Abollo
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Among the key objectives and obligations, thanks to FPU funding, are the promotion and valuation of the Cantigas de Santa María and the aforementioned program. Furthermore, as the objective that drives the main project purpose, there is the application of a type of study (Digital Humanities and Literary Geography) to a medieval and also image based work. To this end, there is the need to contrast opinions and learn from the experience of other researchers. The IEM – Institute of Medieval Studies is undoubtedly the most useful location for this goal in conjunction with the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) and Universidade Complutense de Madrid (UCM). As regards the content of the thesis, this internship makes it possible to develop the Digital Humanities dimension, the general study of the Iberian medieval poetry and lyrical manuscripts, the literary geography and also the WSC from a complementary perspective to those put forward at the USC and UCM, where I have already worked and that belong to my directors.
The internship consists primarily of an approach to the numerous projects of interest carried out in the IEM or other NOVA University research units as well as contacts with researchers able to orient project development. This is all combined with the regular consultation of specific archives and participating in relevant programs and, fundamentally, with writing and refining the doctoral degree thesis. Therefore, while unable to specify particular dates, this internship is expected to provide for completing the writing of the first half of the thesis (related to aspects studied in the thesis) and also the results in the form of the IT tool (database, maps and website).
Biographic note
Manuel Magán Abollo (Galiza, 1992) is a doctoral degree researcher at the Department of Filoloxía Galega at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he completed his undergraduate degree in History of Art and Master’s Degrees in Medieval Studies and Secondary School Teaching. He has also studied the Digital Humanities at UNED – the National Distance Education University. He is currently writing his doctoral thesis under the supervision of Elvira Fidalgo Francisco (University of Santiago de Compostela) and María Victoria Chico Picaza (UCM – Complutense University of Madrid) following FPU (University Professor Training) funding from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. He began his thesis at UCM, also lecturing at the same establishment, and at the Museo del Prado. He currently continues with his research activities at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he lectures on Medieval Literature. He has completed research internships at the Warburg Institute (London), and two short stays at the National University of Ireland (Cork) and Helsingin Yliopisto (University of Helsinki), giving Galician culture classes. In May of this year, he will also be at the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest). He has organised and participated in various congresses and written on cinema, philosophy, the digital humanities and medieval art. In the Digital Humanities field, his most notable output was the website Medievalitis, which he has managed since 2017.
Nuria Ramon Marquez
Nuria Ramon Marquez
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
“Transferencias artísticas entre la pintura y miniatura de los siglos XIV y XV en la Corona de Aragón“
Biographic note
Professor in the Department of Audiovisual Communications, Documentation and History of Art at the Polytechnic University of Valência.
The research career of Dr. Nuria Ramón has primarily focused on the study of the painting and miniatures from the 14th and 15th centuries in the Kingdom of Aragon and, more specifically, in Valencia.
Her background as a researcher developed between the Departments of History of Art of UV and UPV. Since 1995, she has been a member of the CIMM research group,
Her doctoral thesis “La iluminación de manuscritos en la Valencia gótica (1290-1438)” generated a significant scientific impact and continues to be cited in numerous specialist publications. The Biblioteca Valenciana published the thesis in 2007 and it was nominated for the La Corónica Prize of Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan) in 2008; an international prize awarded annually to the best monograph published on the Hispanic Middle Ages languages, literatures or cultures. Internships undertaken at different research centres enabled the study of paintings of Spanish origin held by the Hispanic Society, at the Metropolitan Museum of New York (2011), at the Victoria and Albert Museum and at the British Library of London (2012).
As a member of the Consolidated Research Group “Art i Cultura d’Època Moderna” (ACEM) at the University of Lleida, she has participated and collaborated in the scientific tasks produced by this centre. ACEM is recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya as a consolidated research centre financed by the same public entity. The group contains a significant international component and has the core objective of studying the artistic and cultural expressions developed between the mid-15th and early 19th centuries. A scientific consultant to CAEM – the Centre of Modern Epoch Art (CAEM), a University of Lleida research centre dedicated to the study of Hispanic and European art of the medieval and modern periods. Since 2003, she has received various specialist grants and collaborated with the Polytechnic University of Valência (UPV). She also participated in government financed R+D+I projects as a research member.
She has participated in various national and international conferences, some as guest keynote speaker, with the last such instance occurring in February 2019 at the Courtauld Institute of Art for the conference “The Prayerbook of Alfonso of Aragon and Manuscript Lighting in early 15th-century Valência.
Rodrigo Pousa Diéguez
Rodrigo Pousa Diéguez
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
October 2020 – September 2021
Sandra De La Torre

Sandra De La Torre
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Spain
1st February– 1st May
Ulisses Tadeu Vaz de Oliveira
Ulisses Tadeu Vaz de Oliveira
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
“Racial, religious and gender prejudice: the development of ideological complexes based on the literary tradition of Galician-Portuguese cantigas“
Literature has played an important role in the construction of human thinking and development. From this perspective, ideology becomes a contextual dimension of a higher order that is dissipated throughout literary tests and is simultaneously built out of the genius of authors down through centuries. In this sense, the development of multifunctional studies of language and the growing number of literary studies adopting a critical perspective have introduced new opportunities to the study of literatures and their interconnections with ideologies, cultures, histories and societies. Therefore, if we encounter an ideological dilemma such as the emergence, mutation and perpetuation, alongside all of the consequences, of prejudice and stereotypes, it is natural to question the role of literature in the creation and recreation of founding ideological paradigms. Therefore, the present research project holds the core objective of presenting aspects to the development of ideological complexes as regards racial, religious and gender prejudices in the literary tradition of Galician-Portuguese cantigas/troubadour poetry.
The research correspondingly draws primarily on the proposals of Systemic-Functional Linguistics, the theory of Evalu-active and the top-down and bottom-up models of ideological validation. Furthermore, the theoretical and methodological framework of the project counts on the perspectives of Literary and Ecdotic Theory, given that the research implies linguistics and literary analysis to study the entire framework of representations of prejudice and stereotype in the medieval epoch on the Iberian Peninsula and the ideological legacy that influenced authors in the Western tradition, including Portuguese and Brazilian writers, through to contemporary times.
Biographic note
Ulisses Oliveira holds a doctoral degree in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-Sao Paulo) and Master’s Degree in the same area from the same university. He lectures at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) on undergraduate subjects related to the English language and linguistics. Furthermore, he participates in the Post-Graduate Program in Letters (PPGLetras), in the research line “Discourse, subjectivity and teaching languages”, and on the Professional Master’s Degree in Letters (PROFLETRAS). In the post-graduate context, he supervises students and teaches various subjects linked to the research project that he coordinates (“Persuasion and ideology at the interface between Systemic-Functional Linguistics and literatures in the Galician-Portuguese, Portuguese and English languages “). He was professor at the Grande Dourados Federal University (UFGD), Coordinator of LEP (Laureate English Program) at Laureate International Universities and English professor at the Anhembi Morumbi University Business School, where he assisted in implementing and later became coordinator of the English subject in a hybrid blended learning format at this Business and Hospitality School. Throughout this period, Ulisses also lectured English for Marketing, Management, International Trade, Hospitality, Tourism and International Relations. As a researcher, he has carried out studies and published on the following fields: (a) ICT, with a focus on blended and tandem learning for curricular subjects integrating foreign languages and contents for different undergraduate students; (b) Systemic-Functional Linguistics, with a focus on analysing transitivity, persuasion and ideology, research at the interface between literature and linguistics; and (c) Portuguese Philology and comparative literature, with diachronic studies involving medieval Galician-Portuguese cantigas, Baroque literature and modernism.
Viviana Persi

Viviana Persi
Université de Lille 2, France
“Legal Aspects of the Iconographies in Medieval Illuminated Juridical Manuscripts (13th-14th centuries)”