The FCT Call for PhD Studentships – 2024 will take place between March 18th and April 18th.
IEM is available to host applications in this competition, offering support and monitoring in their preparation.
FCT has two types of applications available:
- Regular Application Line, intended to finance the carrying out of research activities leading to obtaining the academic degree of doctor, carried out in scientific and academic institutions.
- Specific Line of Application in a Non-academic Environment, intended to finance the carrying out of research activities leading to the obtaining of an academic doctorate degree, developed in conjunction with non-academic entities.
Expressions of interest must be sent to the email: iem.geral@fcsh.unl.pt, by March 31st.
In order to provide clarifications and assist in completing applications for all interested parties, IEM will also organize the session “Apply for an FCT scholarship”, on April 12th, at a time and place to be indicated.
These must be accompanied by the following documents:
– Curriculum vitae;
– Project summary (including title of the work program, keywords, summary, objectives and other elements that are considered relevant to the candidate).
National citizens, citizens of other member states of the European Union, citizens of third states, stateless persons or citizens benefiting from political refugee status may apply.
To compete, candidates must:
– Reside in Portugal permanently and habitually if the work plan of the requested scholarship takes place, totally or partially, in foreign institutions (mixed scholarships or abroad), a requirement applicable to both national and foreign citizens;
– Not have benefited from a doctoral or doctoral research grant in companies directly financed by FCT, regardless of its duration;
– Not hold a PhD degree.