With the release of the ERC VINCULUM database, a central project objective is fulfilled: to provide open and free access to the resources produced by this research work.

The database allows for the visualisation of a large amount of data in a structured way and according to archival norms, enabling the analysis of documentary information in relation to the context of its production.

This indispensable association of relationships, which are to be continually developed over the course of the VINCULUM Project work, will enable the filling of gaps and a fuller understanding of the lineage phenomenon.

Fast and up-to-date access to data will facilitate the involvement of the communities interested in this subject, demonstrating the interest in gathering and consolidating dispersed information capable of contributing to the construction of a cohesive corpus containing unpublished or little known historical information.

The development of this digital collection makes an important scientific and civic contribution, especially for private archive owners, heraldists, genealogists and those responsible for public and private archives.

The VINCULUM project is funded by the European Research Council (ERC) and led by Maria de Lurdes Rosa, Professor of  School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University (NOVA FCSH)  and researcher at the Institute of Medieval Studies, awarded the first ERC Consolidator Grant to a Portuguese researcher in the field of History.