The History of Late Middle Ages Political Philosophy (12th-15th centuries)

The program aims to bring specialists and the general public closer to the philosophical currents and concepts that shaped mentalities during the medieval period, both in Portugal and in Europe. The focus is historical and thus the program adopts a chronological approach, analysing a philosophical current alongside its most outstanding authors in each session. Thus, students gain a better understanding of the contributions that Political Philosophy has made to History, both through the ideas used in political propaganda and through the texts copied, transmitted and spread throughout Europe. A particular focus is placed on the Iberian Peninsula.

Research staff
Francisco Jose Diaz Marcilla, PhD in History from the University of Seville (Spain, 2013) and Integrated Member of the Institute of Medieval Studies, NOVA University. Researcher Hired under the Transitional Rule DL56/2017 by the project “CONSTRUCTIO. Clerics networking in the construction of power structures in the Late Middle Ages. People, discourses, actions, religiosity”. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow between 2015 and 2019 on the project “The historiographical narrative as a source for the study of the socio-political role of clerics in the context of the Schism and the Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453)” (SFRH/BDP/107887/2015). He furthermore articipated in the project DEGRUPE (European Dimensions of a Powerful Group: Ecclesiastics in the construction of peninsular monarchies, 13th-15th centuries) as a Research Grant Holder between 2013-2015. He has published works on the influence of the thinking of the philosopher Ramon Llull and on History Theory. He has also published a total of 15 articles in specialised journals, 14 book chapters, 2 coordinated books and 1 monograph.

Dates and Location: 25.01.2021 – 05.02.2021 | Sessions via Zoom

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