It is with great pleasure that we may announce that issue no. 28 of Medievalista is available and with some new features.
The most decisive changes involve the simplification of the title – Medievalista on-line is now Medievalista -, the adoption of a new management and editing platform and another renewal of the journal’s graphic design. Without abandoning the heritage of the past, particularly the openness to researchers from other languages and other historiographies, the current issue once again includes a thematic dossier on the role of ecclesiastics in the construction of medieval monarchies. This also contains three other articles on different themes, all by authors from outside the Peninsula, in addition to the usual items, such as news, reviews and presentations, which we have tried to provide with give a more comprehensive and systematic character in an approach that shall continue into the future.
This issue counts on the collaboration of Alice Borges Gago, André Filipe Oliveira da Silva, Armando Luís de Carvalho Homem, Arsénio Dacosta, Francisco Díaz Marcilla, Gilson Damasceno Linhares, Graça Videira Lopes, Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar, Isabel Cristina Fernandes, Javier Albarrán Iruela, José Carlos Quaresma, Leandro Duarte Rust, Margarida Leme, Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, Maria João Branco, Mary Magdy Anwar, Néstor Vigil Montes, Óscar Villaroel González, Paula Pinto Costa, Thierry Pécout, Tiago Viúla de Faria, Vincent Débiais, Xavier Costa Badia.
Journal available at: http://medievalista.iem.fcsh.unl.pt/