Rosângela Aparecida da Conceição

Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil
Artist, designer, teacher, researcher, independent curator, author, speaker and tour guide. Since 1996, Rosângela Aparecida da Conceição has regularly participated in exhibitions as an artist, exhibiting works in Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, New Zealand, and the United States.
With a diploma in Advanced Studies in Medieval Studies (2022) from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a Master in Arts (2013), Bachelor (2009), and a Degree in Visual Arts (2010), Institute of Arts at Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”; Degree in Pedagogy (2023), Centro Universitário São Camilo; Specialist with MBA in School Management (2019), University of São Paulo; Tour Guide Technique, certified by the Ministry of Tourism of the Government of Brazil.
She is a Teacher of Basic Education II Art (2011-) at the Department of Education of the State of São Paulo. She was a High School and Technical Teacher (2022-2024) at Centro Paula Souza, Adjunct Professor III (2013-2021) in the area of Digital Communication, in the Higher Technology Courses in Graphic Design, Photography, and Audiovisual Production, and the Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism, at Universidade Paulista.
She has been a contributing member of the Institute of Medieval Studies (since 2019) at Universidade Nova de Lisboa and a member of national and international associations, such as the National Association of Visual Arts Researchers—ANPAP (Artistic Poetics Committee), AHDig network: Digital Humanities Association; The Association Artech-International; and International Center of Medieval Art.
Contributes to scientific publications as a member of the advisory body of the journal Anastasis – Research in Medieval Culture and Art, an international peer-reviewed magazine. She is a Reviewer for Palíndromo Magazine (UDESC, ISSN: 2175-2346, Qualis A2).
She has books, chapters, and scientific articles published in areas of interest, in addition to editing the blogs “Vestes e Ornatos” and “Vestimenta Sacra” to publicize his research.
Develops projects in cultural heritage preservation, focusing on documenting historical textiles in museum and ecclesiastical collections in Brazil.
Specialties: Projects in art, education, and cultural heritage. Documentation and inventory of collections. Organization of academic-scientific events. Guidance on cultural heritage.
Link to blogs
Vestes e Ornatos:
Vestimenta Sacra: